Lower Listing Fees for Florida Homeowners.

Ready to Sell Your Home
Want to Save thousands of dollars?
Contact Broker Coach Santoni at
List 4 Less Florida Real Estate.
Did you know big box real estate companies typically charge a 5% - 6% listing fee to list your home?
They split the 6% fee with the buyer's agency that may sell your home. Or they keep the full 6% if they list & sell's your home.
Our Full-Service Listing Fee:
Is only 1.5% and you decide what % you wish to pay the buyers agency.
Bonus Offer:
When you list your home with Coach Santoni, and he sells your home without another real estate agency or realtor involved in your transaction.
You will only pay our 1.5% full service listing fee and a 1.5% buyer's agency selling fee.
Saving you thousands more in equity dollars.
Remember: you can pay more - but why would you?
List 4 Less Florida Real Estate
A Full-Service Brokerage
We will guide you through the entire selling process. Including home staging, decluttering, home inspections, lender appraisals, and the entire title company contingency timelines.
We'll help you earn thousands more in equity dollars.
Let's Do the Math...
Take a $500,000 average home selling price.
x 6% Total Traditional Listing fee
That equals $30,000.00 in fees.
When you use another real estate company.
Now let's compare.
Same $500,000. selling price
x 1.5% Broker Coach Santoni Listing fee
That equals $7,500.00.
You just Saved.
For the same Professional Services

Remember you could pay more, But why would you?
It costs nothing to Contact Coach Santoni to compare services.
Compare your total net dollars earned.
Before you contract to sell your home with any other real estate company.